
如果你照學校老師那套 be afraid of 你永遠也有一堆例外

像 game over 也是一樣有負面意思


on 叫做「在上面」,about 叫「關於」這種爛定義吧!

定義 例子
at:有攻擊性意味、度量衡、時間點、地點 call at 拜訪地點


at noon 12點

at first sight

on:接觸、通電、進入某種狀態(開始)、繼續、對、起作用 call on 拜訪人


on time

one on one 一對一

Apple grows on the tree.

On a rainy morning.

On a friday morning.

on the way 在路上

on fire

depend on、focus on、go on

the show is on 節目開始

on the air 在傳播

land on 著陸

on vacation (休假狀態)

on holiday

on duty、on business

on average、on purpose

study on 關於…的研究

conference on

about:周圍轉圈、各種角度 talk about


know about

in:包含在內、被…壟罩 Are you in ?你要加入嗎?


in the morning (6:00~12:00)

in the way 擋住

give in 妥協(可以進來了)

in a hurry、in person、in return、in case

to:表方向傳輸、通關、過程、距離 …help the homeless to independence.
by:表在旁邊,…的幫助下 by next Monday 到下周一


by car 搭車

by the way 順帶一提

up:表完了、滿了 eat up、fill up、give up


make up for 彌補

live up to your promise

for :情感交流→原因、目的、為了=from to I got so afraid for his career develoment,…


Help me for a better tomorrow.(for表為了)

Help me with my English.(with表哪個方面)

for two weeks 給你兩週(for表從頭到尾的過程)

of:表所有格、不可分割→屬於、具有、提及 I am afraid of dogs.


be made of (材料單純)

of all my friend 我所有朋友中

hear of 聽說

off:脫離、斷開 pay off 還清(可以走了)


give off 、set off 發出

be better off 脫離了困苦的生活

from:過程、距離→從…到…、扣除、免於 keep from 遠離


be made from(製作過程複雜)

from sb’s point of view (從內心出發、推理)

hear from 收到…來信





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